ReSyLab 2015 – Day 1

Rudarsko - geološki fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu
Datum i vreme:
14. maj 2015. u 14:00h

Resylab 2015

This symposium was held on 14-15th May 2015 and was aimed for ICL ABN (International Consortium on Landslides – Adriatic Balkan Network) members, as well as for scientist, experts and professionals from Serbia, countries in the Adriatic-Balkan Region and world-wide countries who are involved in research of landslides phenomena, particularly in mitigation of related hazard and risk. Official language for papers and presentations was English.

Organizations and individuals, scientists, experts and professionals also shared photographs and short stories about landslides events during photo exhibition ‘Living with landslides’ in the Symposium Gallery.

The total number of expected Symposium participants was around 100.

Detailed information on the event can be find here.

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