“Fibre reinforced concrete: from basics to structural applications” – Dr. Albert de la Fuente Antequera

University of Belgrade - Faculty of Civil Engineering, Bulevar kralja Aleksandra 73, room 141
Datum i vreme:
July 12th, 2019 at 14:00

We were pleased to invite you to the guest lecture by Dr. Albert de la Fuente Antequera, associate professor at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia in Barcelona, under the title “Fibre reinforced concrete: from basics to structural applications.”

Dr.  de la Fuente is an associate professor of concrete structures and during his 10-year research career, he has published more than 50 journal papers, more than 60 articles in conference proceedings and 4 books and book chapters on the topics of fibre reinforced concrete (FRC), concrete structural design and optimisation and sustainability analysis using multi-criteria decision making methods. He is an active member of RILEM and fib where he is the member of several Task Groups and Committees on topics such as FRC tunnels and pavements, sustainability of precast structures and precast concrete bridges. Dr. de la Fuente has also been an active consultant in the UPC spin-off enterprise Smart Engineering Ltd and is the coordinator of several research projects funded by the Spanish government and the EU.

Dr. de la Fuente is acting as Supervisor within the Marie Skłodowska Curie Individual Fellowship “GREEN-FRC: Fibre Reinforced Concrete with Recycled and Waste Materials Optimised for Improved Sustainability of Urban Projects” with Principal Investigator Dr. Nikola Tošić (University of Belgrade, Faculty of Civil Engineering).

The official language of the lecture was English.

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